Symptom Tracker Overview
Symptom Tracker by TracknShare, is the most powerful symptom tracker app on the Apple App Store. This is a unique health app – its fully customizable and comes with the most powerful graphs for understanding how things are related. Doctors on the HealthTap network especially recommend it as a pain tracker app. Users can set up their own chronic pain tracker and symptom tracker items, each level of a severity scale, for example, has its own images, labels and weights. With TracknShare you can track exactly what matters to you. Easily share your actions, diet, behavior, and health outcomes as analyzable spreadsheets with your team.
Symptom Tracker by Track & Share is an award-winnng symptom tracker app. It is also an excellent pain tracker. The app is fully customizable. 5 categories are already set up:
- My Health Items
- My Mood Items
- My Sleep Items
- My Food Items
- My Gratitude Diary
Rearrange and customize these screens and their items, or add your own.
Symptom Tracker Guide
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Track Visualize Act – revolutionary life tracking – independent label. Thousands use TracknShare for self-help, coaching, teaching, care: regular folks, US olympic athletes, people with chronic pain, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, ADHD, …
Seven references for TracknShare
“To Nail Your New Years’ Resolution Quantified Your Self” interview with Uwe Heiss, Dec 2014 in Fast Company
Once you’ve discovered meaningful correlations in your data, the final step is acting on them. This could be something incredibly minor, which happens to make a big difference. Uwe Heiss, the developer behind popular universal life tracker TracknShare, says that he discovered an unusually strong correlation between his own happiness and…
.. “This is cross-referencing at work, resulting in better lifestyle design. Rather than trying to fight old habits, which usually is not effective in the long run, we look for smart tweaks that work and don’t hurt,” he says.
There’s a New Year’s resolution for us: Before working hard on making ourselves better, we might begin simply by knowing ourselves a little bit better.
Physicians Practice journal: Four Unique Healthcare Apps (website)
Heiss stresses that three things which guided the design of his apps were the ability to highly customize what patients tracked, to provide powerful graphing options to identify patterns over time, and the ability to share data via external tools such as Excel, increasing the physician’s ability to use the data in a meaningful way. ..
Winner of “In Search of the Perfect Quantified-Self App.” MeasuredMe Blog
The perfect Quantified-Self app, in my opinion, should possess three additional important characteristics:
The app has to be customizable when it comes to measurement scale. Depending on the type of question, I should be able to log data using either Boolean (yes/no), ordinal (e.g., not-much/somewhat/.. /very much,), continuous (e.g., weight or cost), categorical (e.g., cardio type: stationary bike, elliptical or treadmill), or n-point Likert scale (e.g., 7-point scale). In other words, the app should be able to handle the mix of variables of various measurement types.
The app has to offer data portability. I should be able to export data in “csv” or other common format, any time I want, so I can analyze and manipulate it myself. Sorry, but showing me only those pretty charts and trend lines simply won’t do. And remember: that’s my data. I should not pay to access it.
The app has to be truly mobile. That is, it should be able to work in an offline mode, without wireless or WiFi signal (e.g., on subway), at least at the moment of the data entry. If I want a web app, I will use my computer.
Apps for Exceptional Students Tech Edge video University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Life Tracking: Managing Medical Conditions (e.g., Pain Tracker App) presentation by Havas Media
Upgrade your Life With Quantified Self and BioHacking Teemu Arina Presentation
Rating Food for Crossfit Training: ShortMum Blog
Other references: Mac Life, Psychology Today, The Best Life, Dr Oz, Esquire Magazine
“Great app, after surgery it helped me track my recovery and what did and didn’t work for my body which helped me recover faster.”
Track lots of information, quickly! ★★★★★
by Ndbetz about TracknShare – Symptom Tracker App– Version – 6.4.3 – Sep 3, 2015
I have been dealing with several chronic health issues, and wanted a convenient way to track a broad spectrum of symptoms, treatments, physical therapy, and other lifestyle factors. I had bought about 4-5 different apps for that purpose before I found this one, and my search was finally over. It is wonderfully customizable, and allows me to record (lots!) of data quickly on a daily basis. Other apps were less intuitive. I found that they either were not flexible/detailed enough to track the information I need, or were so detailed that they required too much time and energy to actually enter data regularly–especially since the reason I am tracking this information is because I have very limited amounts of time and energy! This app has really helped me to identify patterns and triggers, and prioritize the best ways to support my health. I have not fully figured out the best way to export data, but am confident I will. This is easily the best app that I found. All in all–this was what I was looking for!
Totally customizable ★★★★★
by Dtwalter – Pain Tracker App (Version – 6.4.3) – Jul 20, 2015
I’ve tried 3-4 mood tracking apps before this one and none really fit my needs. My Dr. has his own chart/categories he wants me to use, but I find the app easier. I was able to add & change things to to track exactly what I need, then I just transfer it all over. It’s allowed me to chart the most consistently and accurately in years.
By DaturaB from United States about TracknShare – Symptom Tracker App (version 6.4.3, Apple App Store) on Oct 27, 2014
I use this daily to track my health and it’s great when I see the doc cause then he can see exactly what’s happening with my condition on a day-to-day basis. Highly recommend!
Great app for easy data collection
By MntDewDan from United States about TracknShare – Pain Tracker App (version 6.4.3, Apple App Store) on Oct 16, 2014
I’ve been using TrackNShare for over 2 years. I’ve been a mostly satisfied customer, but some idiosyncrasies frustrated me and until recently I’ve only given begrudging recommendations. With this update they really hit it out of the park, and at this point I don’t have any major annoyances. I love the counter, I love how they simplified all the number types. The only qualm I have is that the order of many of the fields when you select they’ve changed the order so the default is now most positive instead of most negative. I’m big into quantified self, and changing how you measure seems like it could affect the data I collect. What is my favorite part?It’s so easy to collect all the data I need.Categories really help when collecting large #’s of itemsGraphs are good, but I do my own more advanced data analysis. Absolutely, positively LOVE the export and options to export. Most tools don’t do this, or do a really poor job. Cool tip: To export easily, since the tool supports having questions in multiple categories, you can create a “For export” category and then add the category for each question you want to export. Now you only need to export one category to get everything. What could be improved: They’ve alluded to it, but multi-device support. Right now I only use it on my iPhone and export/import if I want it on my iPad. I don’t have an easy way to use both right now, but I’m hoping it will come. My only other suggestion is hopefully you all are thinking about how the Apple Watch may be part of this. I’m getting one, and I’d love to be able to use that to track data.
Great App
By Dward.dw from United States about TracknShare – Pain Tracker App (version 6.4.3, Apple App Store) on Oct 16, 2014
This app is exactly what I wanted. It offers flexibility with as much detail as you want. It’s reliable and consistent.I’m very happy with this purchase.
Great habit tracking app!
By esambo from United States about TracknShare – Pain Tracker App (version 6.4.3, Apple App Store) on Oct 15, 2014
I have downloaded about 30 different habit tracking apps, and this is one of my few favorite ones that I keep using daily because:- I can correlate how one habit influences another – I can rate each habit occurrence – I can leave a note on each habit occurrence I just wish the “notes” would be integrated nicer. It is very hard and annoying to type several sentences in a one line text box! Couldn’t it auto grow in height, or expand to a full screen when entered!? It would also be very, very nice and helpful to not truncate the notes and wrap them in the calendar view of a day. I guess I’m asking for the “memo” type to be more integrated with all the other types where I can rate.
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